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What is Sea Cadets?

Sea Cadets is a program offered by the Department of National Defense and the Navy League of Canada to Canadian youth aged 12-18 years old and the program is offered at NO COST to the cadets or parents / guardians.

As a Cadet, youth will have the opportunity to participate in various forms of activities and training. Training opportunities will involve aspects of citizenship, physical fitness, sailing, seamanship, marksmanship, drill, naval knowledge and music. Each phase or year of training, will allow cadets to develop and practice different leadership and teamworking skills. 

The local training program follows the school calendar, running from September till June. Additional training opportunities may also be available to cadets in the form of summer training centres. or participate in Navy, Tall Ship or Coast Guard Deployments.

Upcoming Activities



March  27 - CO's parade/ Training Night  1830 - 2130 (C1 Ceremonial dress)

April 3 - Training night 1830-2130 (C5 STU dress)

April 6 - Dugout Dinner 5pm 

April 10 - Training night 1830-2130 (C5 STU dress)

​April 15 - Swimming 1915-2100 - Wellness Center - Must arrange own ride

April 17 - Training night 1830-2130 (C5 STU dress)

April 24 - CO's parade/ Training Night  1830 - 2130 (C1 Ceremonial dress)
April 25, 26, 27 - Tagging - cadets should sign up for at least 1 shift




​Band on Saturdays 1000h - 1200h 


​For more detailed information on these activities please check the online calendar 


Navy League of Canada
Belleville Branch

The Sea Cadet Program offered by RCSCC Quinte is a only possible through a partnership between the Canadian Forces (CF) and the Navy League of Canada. While instructors, uniforms and core training is provided by the CF, our building, boats, instruments and much of the opportunities we are able to provide outside of the core curriculum are only available because of the hard work of the Belleville Branch of the Navy League of Canada. This group, which has been serving the Quinte Region since the 1930's, is made up of dedicated volunteers with an interest in the Cadet Program and our broader naval community. To learn more, volunteer or donate please click the link below.

A Community Supported Program

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RCSCC QUINTE and The Navy League of Canada are proud to be supported by many community agencies, businesses and personal sponsors.

The United Way HPE contributes funding to allow our cadets have access to what is needed to run this informative and entertaining program each year. ​


Without our community support we would not be able to provide what we can to support the cadet unit. 


To see our other local sponsors please click the button below.





16 South Front St.
Belleville Ontario K8N2Y3

Disclaimer: This is a Navy League of Canada - Belleville Branch website that is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defence or the Canadian Armed Force. This is NOT a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintained on behalf of 58 RCSCC Quinte Sea Cadets.

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