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Monthly Competition

Each month during the training year our cadets, working with their assigned division, compete to be the top division within the unit. This competition is known as the "Cock of the Walk" the old naval term referring to the top roster in a flock. Points towards the competition are acquired by cadets in various ways such as through uniform inspections, attendance at both mandatory and optional events and by correctly answering naval knowledge and training related questions during pop quizzes.  

Each month the winning division has its name attached to the wall on the main deck and are given the opportunity to host their divisional flag on the flag staff for the month.

While points are calculated monthly, they are also tallied for the entire year and at the Annual Ceremonial Review one division wins the overall title and have their divisional name etched onto the "Cock of the Walk"
trophy displayed on our trophy wall.




16 South Front St.
Belleville Ontario K8N2Y3

Disclaimer: This is a Navy League of Canada - Belleville Branch website that is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defence or the Canadian Armed Force. This is NOT a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintained on behalf of 58 RCSCC Quinte Sea Cadets.

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